Welcome to the website of Bing Workatelier.
Life and work are like a piece of art, in which the proces of creation is central. In my life and work I have discovered that art and life are always connected, like everything that lives is connected. Life brings you everything you need. How you deal with the little and huge challenges that life presents to you are the theme’s for your growth and role in your (working) life. I guide with inspiration and passion this challenging proces. Welcome to Bing Workatelier.
This is the place where you can discover who you really are, your possibilities, enjoying your true potential and life’s energy in work and life. Bing Workatelier has enjoyed more then 40 years of living and 20 years of working in Holland and abroad, in which I developed expertise in guiding, empowering, training and leading change, movement and growth. The art and mastery of living and working as a coach, creator and trainingsspecialist for individuals and organisations. The authentic Workatelier is specialised in analysis, personal coaching, training (skills), train the trainer/coach, proces facilitation, co-creation and guiding movement. You can take this also literal; walking coaching, developing creative sessions, talentpower discovery and seeing what is really possible for you or your team in this working life.
My unique approach is aimed at personal and organisational growth by learning, creating and doing. I use different methods –depending on the question- like emotional intelligence, holistic coaching, Human Design, team- and leadership instrumentaria, NLP, value and quality method, games, play and visualising. New is Human Design, a powerfull instrument to learn your uniqueness, your blueprint for life, with analysis for you, your partner, family or workplace.
I always work custom made and I can work in English. I haven’t translated the rest of this website in English (yet), but please contact me for more information on what is the best road for you to walk on bingwerkatelier@gmail.com or see Contact on this site.
With inspiration and warm regards, Inge Hoogerheiden, Haarlem, Netherlands.